ThroughPuter: Platform-as-a-Service for Dynamic Parallel Processing
ThroughPuter’s Dynamic Parallel Execution Environment (DPEE) supports efficient parallel execution of multiple concurrent application programs — also under unpredictably time-variable processing loads and application-specific latency constraints. DPEE maximizes both system-wide resource-efficiency and on-time throughput performance across the applications dynamically sharing the processing platform.

Estimator - Streaming AI engine
If you have a streaming time series data (e.g. feature vectors from IoT devices, web logs, etc.), let Estimator streaming machine learning microservice predict values of latent properties based on the populated components.

Forget passwords - get a Grafword™
Grafword™ enables and enforces very strong, yet securely and conveniently reproducible, passwords across the user base. To get “Login with Grafword” to your site, contact us!